Why Home Preservation
Home Repairs,
a silent crisis impacting millions

Homeownership comes with its challenges, and home repairs are a significant one. Millions of homes across the U.S. are in need of repairs, with low-income homeowners facing a particularly heavy burden. This isn't just about fixing houses; it's about health, safety, and the well-being of families and communities.
When repairs aren't made, homes become substandard, posing risks to health and safety. This affects physical and mental health, and can even impact child development. It's a crisis that's often hidden, but its effects ripple through society.

Deteriorating housing doesn't just affect the people living inside; it impacts entire neighborhoods. It can lead to increased crime, decreased social connections, and a decline in overall community health.
The problem is compounded by aging housing stock and low incomes. Investment in repairs is crucial, not just for individual homeowners, but for the health and vitality of our communities. It's time to recognize the importance of home repairs and take action to address this silent crisis.
More Than Just Repairs,
Building Relationships
Transforming Lives
Providing Hope

For over 20 years, Servants has been a leading force in addressing the home repair crisis. We're a nonprofit committed to strengthening communities by providing critical home repairs.
We believe home repairs are transformative. They not only make homes safer and healthier, but they also rejuvenate communities and foster a sense of belonging. Each repaired home is a testament to resilience, strength, and the unwavering spirit of community.
We serve diverse populations, including older adults, veterans, people with disabilities, and families with children. We understand the unique challenges these groups face and strive to provide compassionate, holistic support.
We go beyond just fixing physical problems; we build relationships with homeowners. We want them to know that their community cares. If needs exist that go beyond our scope, we connect them with partner organizations. We're committed to a holistic approach to serving our homeowners.
The Deep Roots of the Problem

Understanding the Crisis:
The home repair crisis is fueled by aging housing stock and low incomes. Many homes are simply too old and in need of significant repairs, while low-income homeowners often lack the resources to address these issues.
Housing as a Determinant of Health:
The condition of a home directly impacts health. Substandard housing can lead to falls, respiratory problems, mental health issues, and more. It's a public health crisis that demands attention.
Disparities in Housing, Disparities in Health:
The burden of substandard housing falls disproportionately on vulnerable populations, including older adults and people of color. We're committed to addressing these disparities and promoting housing equality.
The Ripple Effects:
The impact of the home repair crisis extends far beyond individual homes. It affects families, communities, and society as a whole. By addressing this crisis, we're not just fixing houses; we're building a healthier, more equitable future for all.
We envision a future where every home is safe, healthy, and a source of pride for its occupants. We believe that strong homes lead to strong families and communities.
Our Impact: Transforming Lives
We've repaired nearly 1,500 homes, impacting thousands of lives. We've seen firsthand the transformative power of home repairs, from enabling seniors to age in place with dignity to providing safe environments for children to thrive.
The Power of Investment
Every dollar invested in home repairs saves money in healthcare costs. It's an investment in the health and well-being of our communities, and it pays dividends for years to come.
Our Commitment: Building a Movement
We're building a movement of volunteers dedicated to serving their communities. Together, we're creating lasting change and a brighter future for all.
Join Us
We invite you to join us in this vital work. Your support, whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading the word, can make a real difference in the lives of your neighbors. Together, we can build a future where everyone has a safe, healthy place to call home.